The Importance of Outdoor Play for Children 

There are many ways in which playing outside benefits your child’s health and development. At Elite Monkey Bars we design and create safe, fun equipment that provides endless entertainment while contributing to your child’s overall wellbeing. 


Why Playing Matters 

 We often connect playing with having fun, but in the Harvard Health Blog 6 reasons children need to play outside, Claire McCarthy, MD expands on six crucial ways playing outside helps children:  

  • Sunshine 
  • Exercise 
  • Executive Function 
  • Taking Risks 
  • Socialisation 
  • Appreciation of Nature 


Note: Executive functions are cognitive processes that monitor/impact our behaviour, and need to be practiced and developed throughout life. Our memory, what we pay attention to, how we inhibit and control our actions are a few examples. 


Listen to the Experts 

In her feature Why we must prioritise play for today’s children, and why we must do it NOW Australian educator and parenting author Maggie Dent says the need for children to keep physically active cannot be highlighted enough. 

Maggie Dent is a known advocate for recognising the importance of play for today’s children. She points out research shows exercise and physical ability has a profound impact on cognitive abilities, and mental health. 


Body, and Brain 

The Parenting Science feature, Exercise for children: Why physical fitness benefits the brain references studies that show when facing cognitive tasks requiring concentration and attention control, certain factors became clear. 

The article explains individuals with higher levels of aerobic fitness performed with more accuracy, and sometimes faster reaction times. Meaning while we often focus on a child’s aerobic fitness as a result of exercise, the mind benefits too.


Health and Fitness 

According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, in 2017-18 around 1 in 4 children were overweight or obese. Among behaviours influencing this outcome was insufficient physical activity.  

The great thing about outdoor play is that it doesn’t have to feel like a chore. Outside play in your own yard means you can monitor a child’s safety while they gain the positive benefits of exercise. And, they’ll have fun! 


Vitamin D 

Australian parenting website points out outdoor play is also a leading source of Vitamin D which is integral for children of all ages as it contributes to bone growth and development.

Likewise, a Vitamin D deficiency can result in problematic health issues. Luckily sunlight is a leading source of Vitamin D, and we have a lot of that in Australia! You can source information on healthy levels here 


Outside Play over Screen Time 

Growing Up in Australia: The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children, 2015 Report found a majority of Australian children are spending more than the recommended two-hour daily limit for screen time (this includes watching TV, computers, and gaming). 

In an era when child screen time is on the rise, studies have shown increased screen time may be having a detrimental effect on aspects of development. Replacing a portion of daily screen time with outdoor play is worth considering. 


Finding a Balance 

We know sometimes it can be hard to pull kids away from their computers, televisions, iPads, tablets, phones, and gaming devices. But a slight daily increase in outdoor play can make a real difference over time.  

The Australian Government Department of Health guidelines say for optimal health, children and young people (5-17 Years) should achieve the recommended balance of high levels of physical activity, low levels of sedentary behaviour, and sufficient sleep each day. 


Making Life Fun 

In today’s world, many children are finding they can suddenly be required to spend more time at home than usualOur outdoor play equipment is created to fill those hours with play that provides an outlet for energy, while having a positive impact. 

Many of us have cherished memories of hanging and swinging on the monkey bars, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine, experiencing the happiness a child feels when motor skills increase, and confidence rises. 


The Power of Our Designs 

At Elite Monkey Bars, we want your child to enjoy our products for a long time, which is why we also offer a range of fantastic, engaging accessories that can be added to your chosen design. 

We’re proud to say our products are made in Australia, by an Australian owned company. Elite Monkey Bars are certified by Australia’s leading playground engineering firm, and load tested to 1000kg. 


We’re Here to Answer Questions 

Every parent wants to make certain any play equipment their child uses is constructed with safety as the lead priority. That’s why we can reassure you the Elite Monkey Bars range meets current Australian Standards AS8124.6 

If you have any queries at all, don’t hesitate to make contact. We want clients to know they’ve chosen an affordable, stellar outdoor play equipment company to trust. Get in touch with us at [email protected] if you want to talk monkey bars!